Eastbound I-64 will be closed from 3 a.m. on Tuesday, December 14 to 3 a.m. on Thursday, December 23.
During the full directional eastbound closure, crews will remove old bridge decking in preparation for replacement and refurbishment of the lower deck.
During the eastbound I-64 closure, the I-64 eastbound entrance ramp from West Spring Street will be closed along with the I-64 eastbound to I-264 eastbound ramp. Eastbound I-64 motorists not using I-265 will be required to exit onto West 5th Street in New Albany.
While the directional closures are in place, the suggested alternate route will be I-265 to I-65.
Regional traffic signs and variable message boards will be posted in the project area well in advance, notifying motorists of the closures and alternate route.