After years of planning and months of preparation, Phase 1 of the Sherman Minton renewal project is set to begin on or after September 13. This phase will last until early to mid-2022 and involve painting, deck replacement on the lower deck and steel repairs as needed while the deck is removed.
During this phase of construction, one lane will be closed in each direction to create a work zone for the necessary repairs to occur. One eastbound lane will be moved to the upper deck and one eastbound lane will remain on the lower deck. Temporary barrier wall will be used on the upper deck to separate directions of traffic flow and on the lower deck to protect the work zone.
Temporary crossovers will be constructed in both Indiana and Kentucky to allow one lane of eastbound traffic to move up to the upper deck. The map on the following page shows the general location of where the crossovers will be constructed. Please visit the website, for detailed maps of how the crossovers will operate and where they will be located.
While the directional restrictions are in place, the suggested alternate route will be I-65 and I-265. Regional traffic signs and variable message boards will be posted in the project area well in advance, notifying motorists of the closures and alternate route.
The construction zone speed limit of 45 mph will be strictly enforced both in the crossovers and on the bridge. Congestion is likely during the morning and afternoon commutes so plan an alternate route or alter your commute time, if possible. Please be safe, obey all signage and don’t drive distracted.